5 Reasons Why You Are Not Growing Your Business

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Nothing is more frustrating than working round the clock and get little results. 

Small business owners experience this struggle and are not aware of simple reasons why they are stuck. 

Recognizing and overcoming the common pitfalls associated with growth is an essential step one to continue on a successful journey. 

Let’s put a spotlight on some of the reasons that might be holding you back and how to overcome them. 

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STOP Ignoring Your Email List

Your email list is your lifeline to customers who spend money with you as well as those prospects who weren’t quite read to make a purchase. 

Once they leave your website, if you don’t grab their email address, those prospects are gone forever. 

Get in the habit of creating an editorial calendar and emailing your list at least once per week. 

Four times each month your prospects will see your name again and learn something useful from the content you share. Limiting your contact to just once a month or less is like asking them to unsubscribe from your list. 

They won’t remember your name and thy won’t care about what you’re sharing, Keep engaging with your list. 

STOP Hiding in the Shadows and Promote Yourself

Ah, the safety of the computer keyboard! I’ll admit it’s easy to do your work, put up a few social posts, then settle back in to do more work in your cozy office. 

But is that really growing your business? Are you the face of your business? When was the last time you really engaged with your audience? Does your audience know what you do?

Come out of the shadows and introduce yourself. Use your social posts for more than sharing random articles. 

It’s completely fine to promote your stuff. Mix in some questions and go out of your way to comment on other people’s posts, but social media is supposed to be SOCIAL – it’s not mean to schedule everything and then hope for results. 

If you find social media a rabbit hole, then create a schedule, or set a timer for how long you can scroll and interact. 

When the timer goes off, so does the social site and you can move on to your next task. 

STOP Complaining on Social Media

If you have a problem, specially a business-related problem, why go to social media to air your grievances? 

It’s bad enough when random friends talk smack about their work or their spouses, but complaining about a client or a type of work you’re doing certainly reflects poorly on your business. 

Think of is this way…a prospect starts following you, interested in one of your group coaching programs. You encounter a tough client and start complaining on social media. 

How do you think your prospect will feel, knowing that even though you didn’t say their name, you’re still frustrated with this person? Would you sign up with a coach who acted this way?

We all have tough days, but this would be an instant where you complain privately to your accountability partner to get if off your chest. 

Be picky about what you put on social media because you never know who’s watching. 

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STOP Making Excuses or Plying the Blame Game

Read any news story these days and you’ll notice that personal responsibility is severely lacking in society. 

It’s always someone else’s fault; rarely does the story portray someone who admits that they were in the wrong. 

Instead of making excuses for why things don’t work or why your business isn’t bigger than someone else’s business, stop for a moment and take responsibility for the decision you have made. 

Unless you have a business partner who is a bully, you are solely responsible for your business success – or lack thereof. 

Freedom is being able to take your business in new directions. You don’t need permission or approval. Simply test new strategies and track those results. 

In the meantime, take care of yourself because a healthy and joy-filled leader will make better decisions and will take the calculated risks necessary to grow their business. 

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Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Certainly, you’ve heard the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results. 

Your comfort zone is where you’re safe. You know the routine and you’re somewhat happy with the results. 

You don’t face risks inside your comfort zone. This safe space is what makes it easy and enjoyable going to work. 

But you are experiencing the business growth you want inside your comfort zone? 

Are you attracting new clients? 

Are your group programs or masterclasses filling up? 

Are you selling enough of your products?

If the answer is no to any of these questions, then you need to mix things up and step outside that zone. 

Maybe that means trying a new marketing tactic. Maybe you need to re-engage with your email list and your social media followers. 

Maybe you need to reach out to influencers and pitch a joint venture idea. 

Sometimes you just need to take a risk to know if it’s the right choice for your business and for you. 

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Final Thoughts

We’ve covered some things you should STOP doing in order to grow you business, but I want to leave you with a some reminders of what you SHOULD start doing as well. 

Head over to my next post where I list 10 ideas blueprint to help you develop ways to grow your business and create new, productive habits. 

About Me

Hi, I'm Bianca!

I’m a productivity specialist helping overworked and overwhelmed entrepreneurs ditch the long and repetitive to-do list  by optimizing systems and simplifying the way they run their business. Learn how to get rid of steps or tasks that don’t contribute to your business bottom line.

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Picture of Bianca Rice

Bianca Rice

What can hold many business owners isn't the lack of drive or ability, but the lack of time to cover it all. Let me as you this: What would you do if you had a few more hours a day devoted solely to growing your business and making more money?
Yes, you can shift your time into activities that motivate you and increase your revenue so you can finally step into the CEO role.

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